Sunday, April 28, 2013

Always Keep your Beautiful Imagination & Exquisite Humor

Visit downtown McKinney, Texas:
A hipster girl’s square block of shopping paradise.

Imagine you enter a town where you have blocks of handmade, local stores surrounding a performing arts center.
You walk down one block and find a jewelry studio and across the street are knitting classes.
There's a magic shop where the magicians wear steam punk accessories and then you discover antique shops on every corner.

Not the overcrowded, old antique shops but a beautiful display of different, vintage settings

You continue to shop around and stumble upon this gem of a store:

Where your brother purchases this vintage post card for you:

"Always Keep Your Beautiful Imagination & Exquisite Humor"

After being delighted with this gift you stumble upon

This rustic gem is not only a home decor store but it has a botanical section AND a tiny, farm fresh food restaurant inside.

Patina also offers cooking classes and catering to top it off! 

 I hope you enjoyed your hipster stroll through downtown Mckinney, Texas :)

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Hot Pink Wedding

I have this one favorite place to go to pick up some beautiful vintage creations to put in my bouquets.
Parcel Montclair, NJ.

Last time I was there I picked up these hot pink vintage mums.
From there I was inspired to create a gold vase.
Funky, Fun, Hip Wedding.